Ph.D., Education, Policy & Administration, University of Maryland
M.S., Cognitive and Developmental Psychology, Penn State
B.A., Psychology, Temple University
HDFS 108N: Art & Science of Human Flourishing
HDFS 129: Introduction to Lifespan Human Development
HDFS 330: Observation or Experience with Children, Youth, and Families
HDFS 395: Internship (Associate Degree)
HDFS 490: Project Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation in the Human Services
HDFS 495A - Professional Practicum in Human Services
PSYCH 256: Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH 434: Psychology of Gaming
HONOR 401: Honors Seminar (Big Questions in Psychology)
HDFS 312W/PSYCH 301W: Basic Research in Psychology
Strawser, M.G. & Yaure, R.G. (Eds.) (In preparation).Interdisciplinary approaches to culminating student experiences. Vernon Press.
Berrena, E., Cruz, L, Doty, M., Grodziak, E., Ittig, M., Schwab, J. & Yaure, R. (Accepted). How women can flourish in post-pandemic higher education. In J.L. DeVitis & P.A. Sasso (Eds.) Human Flourishing and Higher Education. Information Age Press.
Murowchick, E. & Yaure, R.G. (2022). Staying the life course: Lessons learned and moving forward after the Covid-19 pandemic. Family Science Review, 26(1). http://doi org10.org10.26536/NCJC5720.
Schwab, J.E., Murowchick, E., Yaure, R.G., & Cruz, L. (2021). Observation, practice, and purpose: Recalibrating curriculum to enhance professional development. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 59–68. http://doi.org/10.1002/tl.20468
Yaure, R.G., Murowchick, E., Schwab, J.E., Jacobson-McConnell, L., Borromeo, R., & Aguilera Hermida, A.P. (2020). How grit and resilience predict successful academic performance. Journal of Access, Retention, and Inclusion in Higher Education, 3.
Reilly, J. F., & Yaure, R. G. (2019). The role of parents’ relationship quality in children’s behavior problems. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(8), 2199-2208. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-019-01436-2
Yaure, R.G. & Schwab, J.E. (2018). Understanding the student experience in online and hybrid courses to improve instruction. Family Science Review, 22(4), 3-22.
Shaffer, S.C., Gill, S., Seidel, A., Schwab, J., Yaure, R. & Jacobson-McConnell, L. (2018). Lessons learned from using the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) to support student growth and success. Journal of Access, Retention & Inclusion in Higher Education, 1, 74-93. http://www.wcupa.edu/viceProvost/universityCollege/adp/documents/ADP%2…
Cheek, C., & Yaure, R. G. (2017). Quilting as a generative activity: Studying those who make quilts for wounded service members. Journal of Women and Aging, 29(1), 39-50. http://doi.org/10.1080/08952841.2015.1021652
Staying the Life Course: Lessons Learned and Moving Forward after the Covid-19 Pandemic, Family Science Review
Collaborator: Elise Murowchick, Co-Author
Observation, practice, and purpose: Recalibrating curriculum to enhance professional development. - 2021
Collaborators: Jacqueline Schwab, Co-Author; Elise Murowchick, Co-Author; Laura Cruz, Co-Author
How grit and resilience predict successful academic performance, . Journal of Access, Retention, and Inclusion in Higher Education - October, 2020
Collaborators: Elise Murowchick, Co-Author; Jacqueline Schwab, Co-Author; Lauren Jacobson-McConnell, Co-Author; Renee Borromeo, Co-Author; Ana Aguilera Hermida, Co-Author
The Role of Parents’ Relationship Quality in Children’s Behavior Problems, Journal of Child and Family Studies - May, 2019
Collaborator: Jennifer Reilly, Co-Author
Understanding the Student Experience in Online and Hybrid Courses to Improve Instruction, Family Science Review - December, 2018
Collaborator: Jacqueline Schwab
Designing and Implementing 21st Century Pedagogy and Andragogy Through Redesign and Technology-Issue 1 of 2, Family Science Review
Designing and Implementing 21st Century Pedagogy and Andragogy Through Redesign and Technology-Issue 2 of 2, Family Science Review - December, 2018
Lessons learned from using the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) to support student growth and success, Journal of Access, Retention & Inclusion in Higher Education, - 2018
Collaborators: Suzanne Shaffer, Co-Author; Sukhdeep Gill, Co-Author; Amber Seidel, Co-Author; Jacqueline Schwab, Co-Author; Lauren Jacobson-McConnell, Co-Author
Understanding evidence-based vs. Evidence-informed practice. , Network newsletter for Certified Family Life Educators of the National Council on Family Relations - January, 2015
Collaborator: Wendy Middlemiss, Co-Author
Ph D, Education Policy, Planning, and Administration, University of Maryland
MS, Developmental and Cognitive Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
BA, Psychology, Temple University